This past Saturday my mom, grandmother and I took a little trip over to Massachusetts. From being on facebook and from reading blogs I have discovered that there are many primitive shops in Massachusetts! So i decided it was time to make a special trip out there and hit as many of these shops as we could.
We got there a little early. The shop hadn't yet open but we didn't mind. We sat in the car and admired their beautiful primitive house and shop. What I would have given to take a peek into their house! The outside of the house was right out of a magazine! I can only imagine what it looked like inside.
After waiting a few minutes in the car the shop owner came and opened up! And off we went. Before we were even all the way in the shop we were stopped by a large display of yummy smelling candles! My mom scooped a bunch up within seconds!
The rest of the store was perfectly prim. There was a wood stove going, period music playing and lots and lots of fantastic prims!!
So needless to say I didn't walk out empty handed. I found this mustard colored pillow, along with a jar of fragrance oil and a bag full or dried orange slices.
I could have bought a lot more but since this was our first stop I didn't dare go overboard!
Our next stop was to the Walker Homestead in Brookfield, MA
I had been to the Walker Homestead about 2 years ago and ever since have been wanting to go back. This visit was even better then the first one. They had new rooms open and they were just filled with wonderful primitive/ colonial pieces.
They also carry beautiful hand dyed wool and primitive fabrics. A little piece of heaven for this crafter!!
I was thrilled when I spotted a quilt crane. I have been wanted one for a while now and was thrilled to finally find the perfect one!
Along with the quilt crane I found this adorable little house. That I just couldn't resist!
I can't say enough about this place it is fantastic!
Here are a few pictures we"quietly" took inside.
My mom pretending this is her bedroom! |
My Gram telling me she would like me to make her a cat like this one. |
Now I didn't ask to take these pictures so I sure hope the owners didn't mind. They seemed very friendly so I am hoping they wouldn't mind me showing some of these to you all!
In June and September they hold a Primitive Show so I am hoping to get back there for one of these shows. I can only imagine how much fun that would be!
I had found this shop and the owner on facebook. From the pictures I saw I just knew it was going to be a great place! And I was not disappointed.
The shop was wonderful!
And the owners were even more wonderful. Karen and her husband Rich were the most welcoming shop owners I think I have ever met!
From the moment we walked in the door until the minute we left they were nothing but pleasant, friendly and full of great advice.
I think I could have talked to them for hours.
They even gave us a tour of the house, which is attached to the shop.
Their house left me speechless! It was amazing! They truly have a talent for decorating.
We plan to take a trip back there for they Fall and Christmas open houses!
Once I came down from the excitement of my visit at Primitive Thymes we headed to Strubridge.
Once in Strubridge we hit another one of my favorite shop Village Primitives.
I love this shop because she carries one of my favorite lines of candles, 1803 Candles.
Bought a few candles and a little dish towel. And I was happy as could be!
After a long day of travel and shopping we made one more stop at the Hand Maiden in Strubridge. We all manage to find a few more goodies there and then we headed home!
It was a great day.
I got to spend time with my mom and grandma and I got to do one of my favorite things,visiting primitive shops!
The day couldn't have been better!
Hope you all are having a great week!!
Until next time,